A Mother/wife always needs 26 hours in a day not 24… it is the time of bonus if I get that 2 hour bonus
No matter you had a baby or not you still become mother when you get married… jokes apart!
We start taking care of the household. Oh! Do u know I had never washed clothes or seen how my mom took care of small stains, collars and white clothes and dry clothes. Other than what I stained while playing or eating.. I had not done anything about washing. But when I started working I had a maid who used to wash on Saturday took Rs. 100 washed, dried and send it to ironwala.
But just after my marriage the washing machine was not installed in the new house and oh such a pain to wash it. Finally machine worked and as a loyal buyer I had seen form childhood even my husband gave that Surf excel for machines. It was so good as it became my support system. I have tried other detergent but none could clean as SURF. What would I do without the washing machine, good powder or surf excel conditioner.
Now With all the things in place, I have less load of all this but still I fall short of time. Family, social, personal and work commitments take away lot of my time, which I was about to save in my piggy bank to use in an organized manner.
If I really get 2 more hours time, I will spend 20 min on myself as I might start showing ageing signs I need to be careful, give 10 minute for my daughters personal care, 1 hour of reading for my child and listening wonderful stories from my girl. 30 min of Learning squash or Salsa which is what I would love to learn. It will not be everyday so some days I can try on cooking like cakes, pie, biscuits and Mexican and lasagna. Lasagna takes so much time that I have only made once. I have not been able to complete my Judith Mcnaught series only 5 books there are so many waiting to come in my hold.

So to summarize the things I would do in this new 2 hours are-
1. Personal
1. Personal
2. Time with kid
3. Cooking
4. Dancing
5. Squash
6. Books
Such a question I guess till I end my blog I will ask 3 more hours than 2 hours in a day. Even while writing I feel to grab my book and finish it. Oh! it is so bad to leave the last 2 pages and go to take care of other priorities, I almost start thinking like the characters as how to solve the situation.
Lovely suggestion adding 2 hours in a day I feel refreshed I will atleast try to organize and one by one do the things which I really wanted to do. Thanks to the contest it made me look inside me and pull out things which took backseat… Salsa I am coming to dance on your tune….