How to use bottle
How do you wean to a cup
how long we should sterilze
Potty training
eating on his/her own
diaper rash
hair oiling
ear clean
when to read symptoms
Doctor advise
walking- bow legs
flat foot
loose motions
teacher behaviour a kid should understand
schools- what are the key area to analyse
eating habits
junk food
educational toy
educational websites
books to refer while growing for kids
peer pressure
got beaten up by other kids
maids monitor
a) How to use bottle- We know using bottle is so easy but when it comes to use it a person who might have been managing 100 people a day would be scared using the bottle in the right way. So as a nurse told me wash a bottle immediately after use with water atleast then clean with brush each part and the small brush you always see dangling with the big one is to clean the nipple inside. Sterilizer by boiling or in sterilizing liquid. always take it out with clean hands and then there are 3 ways to keep the bottle one fill it with water , put in fridge or leave it in sterilizer.
note- never touch the nipple with hands till the baby has finished feeding and never let air be in he nipple when baby is sucking spout should be filled.
b) How do you wean to a cup-
How do you wean to a cup
how long we should sterilze
Potty training
eating on his/her own
diaper rash
hair oiling
ear clean
when to read symptoms
Doctor advise
walking- bow legs
flat foot
loose motions
teacher behaviour a kid should understand
schools- what are the key area to analyse
eating habits
junk food
educational toy
educational websites
books to refer while growing for kids
peer pressure
got beaten up by other kids
maids monitor
a) How to use bottle- We know using bottle is so easy but when it comes to use it a person who might have been managing 100 people a day would be scared using the bottle in the right way. So as a nurse told me wash a bottle immediately after use with water atleast then clean with brush each part and the small brush you always see dangling with the big one is to clean the nipple inside. Sterilizer by boiling or in sterilizing liquid. always take it out with clean hands and then there are 3 ways to keep the bottle one fill it with water , put in fridge or leave it in sterilizer.
note- never touch the nipple with hands till the baby has finished feeding and never let air be in he nipple when baby is sucking spout should be filled.
b) How do you wean to a cup-